Language as a Window into Human Nature

This talk by psychologist & linguist Steven Pinker dives into the arcane dimension of language as a window into Human nature. For Pinker, the brilliance of the mind lies in the way it uses just two processes to turn the finite building blocks of our language into infinite meanings. The first is metaphor: we take… Continue reading Language as a Window into Human Nature

You May Have Heard That The…

… human uncon­scious mind has an irre­sistible need for clo­sure. If you did, you under­stand why you have felt an invol­un­tary, maybe over­whelm­ing urge to keep going after you read the title of this post. In 1927, Gestalt psy­chol­o­gist Kurt Lewin noticed that wait­ers have a much clearer rec­ol­lec­tion of still unpaid orders. His stu­dent at… Continue reading You May Have Heard That The…