Your Non Verbal Communication Style Shapes You

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist. She studies how our non verbal behaviours (how we hold our body) affects others but also how it affects us. We all know that non verbal (and often non conscious) behaviour plays a huge role in our communication. According to Albert Mehrabian, 93% of our communication is done through… Continue reading Your Non Verbal Communication Style Shapes You

Designing Experience, not only appearance

Julian Treasure is a ‘sound expert’ and the chair of ‘Sound Agency’. He looks at how sound affects our daily experience and how he advises businesses and organisations on how to best use it. In this 10mn Ted talk, he explains, with hard figures as convincers, why architects need to use their ears as well… Continue reading Designing Experience, not only appearance

A beautiful example of Anchoring

Ben Zander is the well known conductor of the Boston Phil and a speaker on Leadership. If you are not familiar with his energetic style, this TED talk is worth watching (it is worth watching even if you are familiar with him). His Bio on TED reads as follow: “Since 1979, Benjamin Zander has been… Continue reading A beautiful example of Anchoring

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